Nourishing Protein Starter Kit
Just one serve a day helps support...
The Super Elixir™
Using the WelleCo Hydrator Bottle, shake 10g or 2 teaspoons of The Super Elixir™ greens powder with filtered water, coconut water or almond milk. Blitz into a smoothie for the smoothest consistency. We recommend you take each morning or during the day, not at bedtime.
Read up on Elle’s favourite recipes using The Super Elixir™.
Recommended daily consumption: 1 serve.
Foundational WelleCo products (The Super Elixir, Nourishing Protein & Sleep Welle Tea) can be taken, and are encouraged to be consumed, alongside one another. Based on your individual needs the remaining Elixirs in our WelleCo range may be suitable to be taken alongside each other. Please reach out to our Customer Service Team for any support in your supplementary routine.
Please consult your Primary Healthcare Professional such as your GP, Naturopath or Nutritionist, if you are unsure, have any underlying health conditions or are on pharmaceutical medication, as they can advise on what’s right for you.
Hydrator Bottle
The Hydrator Bottle adds ease to your mornings, shaking your morning greens to perfection.
This reusable green shaker bottle makes life easy –– it comes with a locking lid operation and flip-up carry loop. Simply fill, lock, shake and go. Then rinse and repeat before tomorrow.
Key ingredients
As our daily all-in-one, The Super Elixir™ contains more than 40 naturally derived ingredients, that work synergistically to amplify their powerful benefits.